The High School Bible Study went rock climbing!
Sunday, October 6
The object lesson? Put your trust in God - He's our anchor that never fails, our rope that catches us when we fall and our guide that gives us courage when we're faced with challenges.
Join us on our next adventure!

Thursday, August 8 from 3:00 - 6:00 pm

Nearly two dozen people helped prep the playground for the start of preschool by weeding, spreading woodchips on the playground and by power washing the playground equipment. In addition, volunteers pulled weeds (and spread woodchips) around the church grounds. We even had TWO former high school student help out!Thank you to The Fellowship Team for providing a meal afterwards - the food was delicious!

Praise be to God for providing Shepherd of the Hills with this wonderful facility and for willing hands to tend it.

Onalaska Community Days
Saturday, August 3 from 9am - 2pm

Thank you to the volunteers who helped introduce Shepherd of the Hills to our neighbors in Onalaska. A big thank you to Shepherd's Flock Preschool for providing the water table. It was a bit hit and brought many families to our tent where we had a chance to say, "Hello"!

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all cr

CONFIRMATION 2024 |  May 19
Congratulations to our six confirmands who were confirmed on Sunday, May 19 at 10:30 am. Spend time in the Word, gather with others to listen to God's teachings and encourage others in the faith. In thought, word and deed boldly go forth and proclaim that the Lord is our God!

Thursday, April 25
Another great gathering of some really great people!

Saturday, April 6
We played. We ran around, ate snacks and played music. It was fun! Hope to see lots of families and friends at future preschool open gyms!

EASTER at SHEPHERD of the Shepherd of the HILLS
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! On Easter, we celebrated the glorious message of Jesus' resurrection and continue to rejoice each day knowing that our REDEEMER LIVES!

LOVE and FELLOWSHIP were delivered!
February 17, 18 and 19

A big thank you to those who volunteered their time and talents to bake cookies, make a card, assemble the "cookie care packages" and then deliver and visit with members of our church family - especially those who have been widowed. What a delicious way to make someone's day.

Wednesday, February 7

THANKS TO YOU the Shepherd's Flock Preschool Dinner was a success! see you next year.

Monday, January 16

Speaker presentation made by Miranda (genetic counselor from Gundersen) and Ellen (graduate student). Stay tuned for more times, dates and events sponsored by the Cancer Support Group.

Saturday, December 2

Approximately one hundred members and friends from Shepherd of the Hills, Faith Lutheran Church, Gift of Grace, Prince of Peace came together for the third annual Advent by Candlelight to share in fellowship and song as we learned about "Chrismons" - the symbols of Christmas. Thank you to the volunteers who who cross-stitched four sets Chrismons ornaments which were presented to each church, to the volunteers who provided music and entertainment, to the volunteers who waited on the tables, to the volunteers who hosted - and decorated - tables, to those who cleaned up afterwards and to everyone who helped organize this special event. As we prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus' birth, be joyful in the knowledge that Jesus is already with us here and now!

To find out more about Chrismons, click HERE.

Saturday, November 11

We met our goal of filling over 200 boxes!

October 29

October 25

August 8-10

Preschool Playground Clean-up Day
Saturday, August 12

Moon Tunes
Thursday, July 13 at Riverside Park

H.S. Bible Study cook-out
Wednesday, July 12

Kayaking - Wednesday, July 12 - La Crosse River, Sunday, July 23 - Root River, MN

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 1 was a success! Participants sang songs, heard the Easter story and the word is that there was A LOT of candy eaten that morning!


As a qualified "WE CARE" non-profit organization, Shepherd of the Hills received $500 from Citizens State Bank!

(WE CARE is a charitable money market account which benefits non-profit organizations with donations made by Citizens State Bank based on the average year-to-date balance of WE CARE customer accounts.)


Drama team from Hope HS and St. Martin's Lutheran School in Winona
Sunday, March 19

Thank you to the members of "Faces of Hope" who shared their acting and vocal talents to perform Bible story skits with a humorous twist. Well done!


Sunday, February 26
Sponsored by Fellowship

Thank you to our church talent that shared music from the WWI era.


Sunday, August 14
There was sun, fun and plenty of manageable rapids! Pizza and ice cream afterwards at The Creamery in Rushford, Mn. YUM!


On Sunday, May 5, five confirmands confessed their faith before family, friends and the congregants of Shepherd of the Hills. It's no secret that coming to class following a long day at school was the last thing that these kids wanted to do. But they showed up, completed what was required, and for that they should be commended.

They are now free to decide how to discern and apply what they learned in Catechism and how to respond to the responsibility of becoming an adult member of the congregation.

Their immature faith will be tested and challenged by distractions presented by peers, the world, or simply by disinterest. Therefore, it is our job to set examples - at all times - that reflect our love for our Heavenly Father, who makes all things possible.

  • Practice and ask for forgiveness. I'm always surprised at how much perfection is expected from a church full of broken people.
  • Consider how you relate to our family of faith, your own families, friends and towards those who may look, think or act differently than you. Do you listen to argue or listen to learn?
  • Check your attitude and tongue concerning those who worship and work alongside you. Nothing kills enthusiasm more than negativity.
  • Be thankful for and take advantage of the freedom to attend church.
  • Support and get involved in ministries that interest you. Fresh ideas are welcome and changes can't happen without your input.
  • With humility and compassion be prepared to defend your faith - and be authentic. Don't be shy about how God has touched your life and speak truth!
  • Pray - a lot!

Christian growth is continual, not just for these confirmands, but for us as well. Remember, these kids are watching.

High School Twin Cities Trip
Saturday, April 2

On Saturday, April 2, five students from Shepherd of the Hills, six foreign exchange students and three chaperones headed to The Twin Cities to volunteer at "Feed My Starving Children, have some fun at the Mall of America and enjoy Chick-Fil-A at the end of the day.

"Feed My Starving Children" relies on volunteers to pack nutritious, convenient, transportable meals that are shipped to children around the globe who face hunger every day. Thanks to the joint effort of our group (and other volunteers) 3,060 packages were put together which will provide approximately 17,496 meals! A prayer of appreciation for the volunteers - and safe passage for the meals - was said at the end of our session. There is no limit to God's love as He used our hands and energy to impact people in ways we may never know.
