Human Care

Chairperson - Sue Mravik

Click HERE for Human Care activities.

The Human Care Board monitors our prayer chain and sends prayer requests to that group. We serve as an advocate for the needs of all members in our congregation. From the young to the elderly, the handicapped, to those going through difficulties in life we help them with their specific needs, including meals, praying together, helping set up visitation times or giving them information that may help them with their specific needs. We also provide representation for the congregation with the Onalaska Food Basket by collecting food. We send out cards to members who are ill, celebrating anniversaries and birthdays

We invite members of the congregation to be on our committee as we are not always able to provide for every member who reaches out to us in a timely manner.

Prayer requests from our members can be emailed to Sharon Ryan:

If you are a member of our congregation and would like to be a part of our prayer chain, please email Sharon Ryan at: and she will add you to the list of participants. 
